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Posts Tagged ‘user’

SharePoint : Redirect to different home page for authenticated users

Hi All,

Today I got a requirement where authenticated users should be redirected to a different page, here is how I achieved it.

Editing the exiting SharePoint Landing page, then add a new content editor Web Part on the page. Now edit the content editor webpart and click on Web part properties on top. Now select “Embed code” under Insert for content editor webpart, add below script in :

<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5;url=http://sharepoint/SitePages/Home.aspx”>

Try to check if your site is redirect to the new site.

If the redirection is working fine then we will restrict this script only for authenticated users. We need to edit the page again and select Edit webpart. Under Advance setting Set Target Audience as “NT Authenticated users”

Hope this helps you.