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SharePoint Online list connector versions 2.0 and 1.0 in Power BI Dashboard

Also explained in my Youtube video : https://youtu.be/neEBhfzFRJo

Common Features in Both Versions:

1. Date Hierarchy:

  • Both versions support date hierarchies when working with date columns from SharePoint lists.
  • You can create hierarchies such as Year > Quarter > Month > Day for better time-based analysis.
  • This feature simplifies date-based filtering and drill-down capabilities.

2. Auto Sum:

  • Auto Sum is available in both versions.
  • When you add numeric columns (e.g., sales, revenue) to your visuals, Power BI automatically provides a sum aggregation.
  • You can customize the aggregation method (e.g., average, maximum, minimum) as needed.

Additional Features in Version 2.0:

1. Enhanced Performance:

  • As mentioned earlier, the 2.0 connector offers improved performance for column expansions and joins.
  • This efficiency translates to faster data retrieval and transformation.

2. Maximum Join Operations:

  • The 2.0 version has a maximum of 12 join operations per query due to API constraints.
  • This ensures optimal performance while handling complex data relationships.

3. Specifically for SharePoint Online:

  • Version 2.0 is tailored exclusively for SharePoint Online lists.
  • It aligns with the modern SharePoint ecosystem.

4. Not Backward Compatible:

  • Remember that the 2.0 connector is not backward compatible with the 1.0 version.
  • When migrating or updating data connections, consider compatibility.

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