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Creating a Lab on Windows Azure – Continue

  • Update Domain setting on Virtual Network and bind it to Private IP on DC

So far we have created a Virtual Network and a Domain controller in that Virtual network. I hope this process was simple enough for you to follow. It is very important that Domain Controller and DNS have a static IP address so that all other machines know whom to contact to authenticate and resolve computer name. Now we need to make sure that our domain controller has a static IP address and then assign it to DNS on Virtual Network. To do so we will follow below steps:


  1. Login to your Azure Subscription Portal site https://manage.windowsazure.com
  2. Select Virtual Machine from left Menu
  3. Select the Virtual Machine we just created and click on Connect at bottom
  4. Now RDP to the Virtual Machine we created as a Domain Controller
  5. Open Windows PowerShell and run command “IPConfig”. Make a note of IP address
  6. Click on Start and Open DNS manager. Expand Computer name > Forward Lookup Zone > Demo.com > Make sure Ipconfig and DNS has same IP address.


  1. Make sure you are connected to Azure PowerShell account by following steps we discussed in section “Connect to your Azure Subscription using PowerShell”
  2. Run command “Get-AzureVM”. You should be able to see your Azure Virtual Machine name, make a note of same


  1. Run below command in Azure PowerShell

Get-AzureVM -ServiceName “Service name from Get-AzureVM command” -Name “name from Get-AzureVM command”| Set-AzureStaticVNetIP -IPAddress “” | Update-AzureVM


  1. Now the system will get restarted and a Static IP will be assigned to same. We need to update the same IP in the Virtual Network we created in Azure.
  2. Login to your Azure Subscription Portal site https://manage.windowsazure.com
  3. Select “Network” from left pane > Select the “Demo Network” we created > Click “Configure” on top.
  4. Update the IP Address of Domain Controller and Domain name. E.g. demo Click on Save at bottom to save these changes

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