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Break Permission Inheritance with SharePoint 2010 , 2013 and online

Lets first understand what is Permission inheritance and then we will see at what level we can implement it.

Permissions inheritance means that permission settings of a user\group in a site collection are passed on to the children of that site collection viz subsite, library, list, etc. In this way, sites inherit permissions from the root site of the site collection, libraries inherit from the site that contains the library, and so on. In theory, SharePoint allows you to set up security once for a site collection and allow everything to inherit. In reality, you may not want everyone to have the same access at all level for example list\library\site collection\subsite etc. In order to create such unique permissions for a site, library, list, or folder, you have to stop inheriting permissions from the parent(normally it is site collection or subsite).

If you want to stop inheriting permissions in a subsite from a parent site\Site Collection, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Site Actions > Site Settings > Site Permissions
  2. Now here you will see a message reading “This Web site inherits permissions from its parent” > Click the Stop Inheriting Permissions button in the Permission Tools tab.
  3. Now you will get a popup “You are about to create unique permissions for this Web site” > Click OK
  4. Now the site Permissions page is displayed with a message reading “This Web Site has unique permissions”
  5. You will observer that the site’s permission level and SharePoint groups are no longer Read Only.
  6. Click the Grant Permissions button on the Ribbon to grant permissions to users and groups > Grant Permissions dialog box appears.
  7. In the Select Users section, enter the SharePoint Group you want to grant permissions to access the site, list, or library.
    This is where you want to use your SharePoint Groups — Site Members, Site Visitors, or Site Owners. What if users are in your group that you don’t want to have permissions to the subsite, list, or library? You need to create a new SharePoint group and grant that group permission to the subsite, list, or library.

  8. In the Grant Permissions section, select the Grant Users Permissions Directly radio button.

  9. Select the permission level that matches the permissions you want to grant.
  10. The default permission levels for team sites are Full Control, Design, Contribute, and Read. You can create your own permissions levels by clicking the Permission Levels button on the Ribbon if you need additional groups of permissions.
  11. Click OK.