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Disable Sync for a specific all libraries on SharePoint Site

Also explained in my youtube video : https://youtu.be/W9OtxYnWgOE

1. Disable Sync at the Library Level:

   – If you generally allow synchronization in your environment but want to restrict specific libraries from being synchronized, follow these steps:
 1. Navigate to the library where you want to disable sync.
 2. Click the Gear Icon(Settings) > Library Settings.
 3. Under Advanced Settings, scroll down to Offline Client Availability.
4. Select No (default is Yes).
 5. Click OK at the bottom.
– As a result, the library will lack a Sync Button, preventing users from syncing files from that specific library.

2. Disable Sync at the Site Level:

   – To go one step further and disable sync for an entire SharePoint site, follow these steps:
 1. On the site, click Settings > Site Settings.
 2. Under Search, click Search and offline availability.
 3. In the Offline Client Availability section, select No.
 4. To allow people to sync files again, set the Offline Client Availability option back to Yes.

Now SYNC button will be disabled on all the libraries on SharePoint.


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