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Understanding of Application pools

Application pools define a set of Web applications that share one or more worker processes, they provide a convenient way to administer a set of Web sites and applications and their corresponding worker processes.

Web Site = IIS Virtual Server = SharePoint Web Application
Web Applications have Application Pools… You can manage your web apps in IIS manager.
Application Pools have Worker processes… You’ll see a section in your IIS manager for managing your app pools.

  1. Application Pool is more in relation to IIS than of SharePoint

  2. As you create and manage web applications using SharePoint, it gives you to create, manage and associate web applications with Application Pool. So you see the Application Pool creation and configuration options in SharePoint but its more related to IIS

  3. An application pool provides you with a way of isolating Web sites from each other even though they are being hosted on a common server. Each application pool is given its own set of server resources. That way, if a Web site crashes, it won’t effect sites in other application pools.


A good example of this is a Web site with a memory leak. If all of the Web sites hosted on a particular server were to share system resources, and one of the Web sites had a memory leak, it could potentially take memory away from the other hosted sites. If the leaky site were in its own application pool though, the memory leak would not effect any other site because each application pool has its own server resources (including memory).


 Reference : http://skdeveloper.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/application-pools/

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