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Exchange Active sync Message Size limit (Event 1008)

Noticed numerous 1008 event IDs on Exchange server describing about one user. Checked with user and found that he was sending message from his mobile device (Iphone) that was too large.
I tried to send a message with attachment of about 15MB using my device (Android), the same event was logged on server with my name. So stop the event from getting it reoccur, I deleted the message stuck in my Outbox.
I tried to find out the message size limit for Activesync which could be around 5-10MB on Exchange server but couldn’t find it anywhere. My send connector limit is 45MB and don’t have size limit set on Active Policy.
Need to know as where could I find the message size limit for Activesync to be changed to 20MB.

Event 1008:

An exception occurred and was handled by Exchange ActiveSync. This may have been caused by an outdated or corrupted Exchange ActiveSync device partnership. This can occur if a user tries to modify the same item from multiple computers. If this is the case, Exchange ActiveSync will re-create the partnership with the device. Items will be updated at the next synchronization.

URL=/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/default.eas?User=– USERNAME&DeviceId=ApplC8WFDD8DDDP7&DeviceType=iPhone&Cmd=SendMail&SaveInSent=T

— Exception start —

Exception type: System.Web.HttpExceptionException message: Maximum request length exceeded.Exception level: 0
Exception stack trace: at System.Web.HttpRequest.GetEntireRawContent()at System.Web.HttpRequest.get_InputStream()at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.get_InputStream()at Microsoft.Exchange.AirSync.Command.WorkerThread()


The Exception message in Event 1008 states that Maximum request Length exceeded which is around 10MB i.e. cannot attach document to message that is more than 10 MB in size.


This setting can be found or changed in Web.config file in below location

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Sync
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=”10240″/> is set to 10 MB.
We can change it to 20480(25 MB)
<!– Allow maximum 10 megs of content –>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=”10240″/>
<authentication mode=”Windows” />


One Response to “Exchange Active sync Message Size limit (Event 1008)”

  • Sachin:

    Hello Friend,

    Can please publish blog regarding migration Exchange 2010 to office 365
