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Archive for October, 2014

Differences Between Sandboxed and Farm Solutions Process

Farm Solutions:

Farm solutions, which are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe), run code that can affect the whole farm. When you debug a SharePoint project whose Sandboxed Solution property is set to “farm solution,” the system’s IIS application pool recycles before SharePoint retracts or deploys the feature so as to release any files locked by the IIS worker process. Only the IIS application pool serving the SharePoint project’s site URL is recycled.


Sandboxed Solutions:

Sandboxed solutions, which are hosted in the SharePoint user code solution worker process (SPUCWorkerProcess.exe), run code that can only affect the site collection of the solution. Because sandboxed solutions do not run in the IIS worker process, neither the IIS application pool nor the IIS server must restart. Visual Studio attaches the debugger to the SPUCWorkerProcess process that the SPUserCodeV4 service in SharePoint automatically triggers and controls. It is not necessary for the SPUCWorkerProcess process to recycle to load the latest version of the solution.

Back Up a Content Database from SharePoint 2010 and Restore it to SharePoint 2013

Have you recently upgraded to SharePoint 2013 from SharePoint 2010 and need to migrate your content database?  In this article, we will walk through the process of backing up all the lists, sites, databases, etc. that you created using your Bamboo products in SharePoint 2010 and restore them in SharePoint 2013.

Before you begin:

You will need to have two servers which have the same environment:

  • Server 1: Windows 2008; SQL Server 2008; SharePoint 2010.
  • Server 2: Windows 2008; SQL Server 2008; SharePoint 2013.

Back up your content Database in SharePoint 2010 and restore it in SharePoint 2013 in just five steps:

1.    Back up your database from SharePoint 2010 Server through SQL Server 2008:

  • Right-click the database of the port which you want to back up, then Tasks, then Back Up…
  • See the example below; the database of port 80 is WSS_Content:

  • Click the Add button.

Make sure you note the Destination path to get the WSS_Content.bak file:

2.    Create a new Web application on SharePoint 2013 server:

  • Create a new Web application with any port (Example: port 88)
  • After the new Web application has been successfully created, go to Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage content databases, and remove the current database of the newly created Web application:

  • Select the Remove content database checkbox. Click the OK and Save buttons:

  • After you have removed the content database, Content Database should show that “There are no items to show in this view,” as pictured below:

3.   Restore your database to the SharePoint 2013 server:

  • Copy the WSS_Content.bak file in the SharePoint 2010 Server to your SharePoint 2013 Server. Select your source and destination as follows:

  • Open SQL Server 2008 in SharePoint 2013 Server, right-click the Database node, and select Restore Database:

  • Input the Database Name and select the From device radio button:

  • Browse to the .bak file which you copied from SharePoint 2010 Server in SharePoint 2013 Server (in this example, we are using the file WSS_Content.bak):

  • Click OK:

  • Select the Options tab. Next select the Overwrite the existing database checkbox. Click OK:

  • A dialog box will appear that states that your restore was successful:

4.    Verifying the content database:

Launch the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell and type this command:

Test-SPContentDatabase -Name <database name> -WebApplication <URL>

For example:

Test-SPContentDatabase -Name WSS_Content_88 -WebApplication http://chauo15sql:88

5.    Add the restored content database to the new Web application (port 88):

Run the stsadm command line as shown below:

  • cd “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\BIN\”

stsadm.exe -o addcontentdb -url <URL> -databasename <database name>

For example:

stsadm .exe-o addcontentdb -url http://chauo15sql:88-databasename WSS_Content_88

  • After the upgrade has completed successfully, go back to Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage content databases, and under your content databases, you will now see the upgraded database listed under your designated Web Application:

  • Go to the SharePoint 2013 site. By default, your site will retain the SharePoint 2010 theme. You will need to manually change this for 2013. This can be done by following these steps:

1.    Click on the Start now hyperlink at the top of the site:

2.    Click on the Upgrade this Site Collection button:

3.    Click on I’m ready:

4.    Once the upgrade has completed (FYI – this may take a few minutes), a dialog box will appear to let you know that the upgrade completed successfully:

5.    Rest assured that if you see the error message below in regards to your Bamboo Products that you were successful in completing the steps above! But wait, there’s more….

6.    Before your Bamboo Products are installed on your SharePoint 2013 Server, you will need to have accepted the terms and conditions presented in the End-User Software License Agreement:

7.    Once accepted, your installation is complete!  You will see that now all of your Bamboo Products are activated in Site Collection Features and it’s back to business as usual!


Refernce : http://skdeveloper.wordpress.com/2014/09/28/back-up-a-content-database-from-sharepoint-2010-and-restore-it-to-sharepoint-2013/