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Changing Exchange Activesync URL

Have configured my Active sync URL to be “Autodiscover.abc.com”. Now need to change it to be “Mail.abc.com”. Will this change, cause any issue to my old users who connect using Autodiscover.abc.com URL. I want old URL to be working until I manually configure new URL on the devices.


Active sync uses Autodiscover to get URL for connecting to Exchange. Those URLs configured on Activesync virtual directory are given by Autodiscover to the device for profile creation. The old devices which are configured to use old URL i.e “Autodiscover.abc.com” will be using it until the device setting is manually edited or until the profile is recreated which will cause Autodiscover to be used to get new settings configured on Exchange and hence in response Autodiscover will provide new URL. So the old devices configured with old URL will start using new URL and all new devices will be using new URL only. But regardless of all this DNS should be configured properly to route it to proper server and hostname in URLs should be present in the certificate to get everything worked properly.

For changing the Active sync URLs we need to change parameter -InternalUrl and -ExternalUrl properties in Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory for Autodiscover to publish the new URLs

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