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Starting with Azure Machine Learning

Hi All,


Today we create a Machine Learning account and will have a glance of very basics of Microsoft Machine Learning. Well machine learning in general helps to predict things based on its learning from data provided, for instance the weather, route you around traffic jams, and display personalized ads on your web pages. Throughout my upcoming articles we will learn how to use Azure machine learning in order to create, deploy, and maintain predictive solutions.


I will try to share my experience with Machine Learning data which issues I faced, solutions we used to resolve our issues. My aim to publish as many articles as possible to share everyday problems and solutions I go through and help you if you face same issues or similar issues with your experiment. So let’s get started with an experiment and ML.


To start with, we will create a free Microsoft Machine learning account. How do we create the same follow below steps:

  1. Create a new Microsoft live account from URL https://signup.live.com/
  2. Browse Site https://studio.azureml.net/
  3. Click on “Sign up Here
  4. Select “Sign In” which says “Free Workspace”.
  5. Once you Sign in with your account, you will have a Free Azure ML subscription ready to use.


So congratulation, you now have a Microsoft Azure Machine Learning account created with just 5 simple steps and less than 10 mins.

Advantages of this account is:

a.  Currently this is a life time free account from Microsoft

b. You get free 10 GB of storage space which can be used for data processing.

c. You get R and Python scripts support

d. You will Predictive web services support


Now, I would like you to go through below options like Project, experiment, Web services, etc to understand what they are. I will go through all of them one by one and explain each one of them in detail in my upcoming articles.


Happy Learning!!!!


Reference : https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/43800.starting-with-azure-machine-learning.aspx

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