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Common issue when using SharePoint 2013 Multi Tenant environment (Apps and User Profile Synchronization)

Scenario :  When using SharePoint 2013 Multi Tenant environment you may come across multiple issue. Below are very important and commons issue I have troubleshoot till date.

Issue 1 : When users try to access SKYdrive and Newsfeed. Get below error message:
Error : Exception occurred loading user profile (/mysite/default.aspx): System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.  Parameter name: userProfileApplicationProxy

Here the site subscription is not added to the tenant site. To resolve the issue we need to follow below steps:

$sub = get-spsitesubscription “yourGUID”;
$site = get-spsite “https://youronedrivesite.yourdomain.com/personal/user”
set-spsite -identity $site -SiteSubscription $sub

Issue 2 : When users try to add app to their SharePoint site. they get below error:
Error : “apps are turned off if you know who runs the server tell them to enable apps”

Every Tenant Admin will require a new App Catalog. It is different from app catalog created in central admin(Make sure Self site creation is enabled in order for App Catalog to get created)

$Sub = Get-SPSiteSubscription http://hhmodeSite (This CMDlet will help in fetching the subscription ID of the HH mode site collection)
Set-SPAppSiteSubscriptionName -Name “Name for Subscription” -SiteSubscription $Sub

We need to run the above command in order to set the unique name for domain under which these apps will run.More details can be found under http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219503.aspx

Issue: How to check which Active Directory OU is assigned to which Site Collection

Solution :
Normally you can see the details of each site collection using below:
Get-SPSiteSubscription –Identity http://hosted-site-URL

If you want to see details of all tenant at once, try below:
– In “Your_Tenant_Profiles_Service_ProfileDB” run below query

SELECT TOP 1000 [CanonicalMySitePortalUrl],[SynchronizationOU]
FROM [Your_Tenant_Profiles_Service_ProfileDB].[dbo].[Tenants]




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